BPO FAQ'sWhat does BPO stand for? What does it mean?BPO stands for Business Process Outsourcing. Major corporations in the US and Europe are outsourcing their back office operations to India to save costs. E.g. employee
payroll is maintained in India for their employees worldwide. Although these jobs usually are not directly IT-related, their data-based orientation often means that they require IT departmental support to be successfully outsourced.
What does ITES stand for? What does it mean?
ITES stands for IT-enabled services. IT-enabled outsourcing can be defined as,
Those outsourcing services that use information technology in the processing and delivery of the service.
Services are typically delivered through a telecommunications or data network, or other electronic media
What is nearshoring?
The practice of sending outsourced functions of any sort, whether IT-based or business process positions, to a nearby country rather than choosing markets such as India or Malaysia that are thousands of miles away. For e.g. US nearshores the work to
Canada and Mexico. The physical proximity of these "nearshore" countries is a big threat to India.
What exactly does the BPO market comprise of?
There is a disagreement as to what exactly constitutes BPO. With the rapid expansion of the BPO industry and the extent of its reach, it is becoming increasingly difficult to define what a BPO exactly means. It encompasses a wide variety of activities such as human resource, accounting, financial research, marketing, sales, legal work, logistics and so on. Software services are also regarded as a part of the BPO market by many firms.
What is BPM?BPM stands for
Business Process Management, basically this is about outsourcing the business processes.
Now what is BTO!! ?BTO stands for
Business Transformation Outsourcing. Accenture defines BTO as a strategic
partnership between the customer and the outsourcer with the advantage of sophisticated financing mechanisms. It would involve the firm acquiring strategic stakes in the BPO operations that companies have outsourced. BTO involves sharing risks and gains with an outsource
business partner, measuring the performance improvement in dramatic gains in the share price, market position and return on capital.
A BTO provides a comprehensive set of services across the entire organisation resulting in a pre-decided output, whereas a BPO is just a contract for outsourcing services/ functions to be done in a specified way. BTOs are more profitable and higher up in the value chain.
BTO also stands for Business Technology Transformation. It is a fast growing nice in BPO and is expected to become a $7 billion industry by 2007 from the current $2.5 million [2004]. BTO can reduce the overhead cost of enterprises by 20%. BTO is about governing the priorities, people and processes of organizations. It aligns IT and business strategy of a company while optimising quality, performance and business availability. According to Yankee Group, BTO enables companies measure and maximise business value across its IT investments.
What is BPO2?BPO2 stands for Business Process Optimization and Outsourcing.
What is KPO?KPO stands for Knowledge Process Outsourcing. KPO involves offshoring of knowledge intensive business processes that require specialised domain expertise, thus delivering high value to organisations by providing business expertise rather than just process expertise.
What is MBPO?MBPO stands for Medical Business Process Outsourcing.
Apollo Hospitals is the first major hospital to be getting into this.
Can medical transcriptions be considered as BPO?
What is HRO?HRO stands for Human Resource Outsourcing. HR is getting outsourced to third party providers who can bring in the benefits of knowing the domain.
HR as an activity, it comprises of a group of activities, which include payroll management, training, staffing, benefits administration, travel and expenses management, retirement and benefits planning, risk management, compensation consulting, etc. These activities are outsourced by which the client can concentrate on their core competency.
In the US context, HR outsourcing is a huge area. For instance, nearly about 29-30 per cent of the outsourcing space is HR.
What is RPO?
RPO stands for Research Process Outsourcing. This is popular in the biotech industry. Clients outsource their R&D work. This was termed reportedly by India's biotech queen Kiran Mazumdar-Shaw.
RPO also stands for Recruitment Process Outsourcing. RPO is a key component of Human Resource Outsourcing (HRO). The RPO team basically handles all the recruitment work for their clients.
What is ESO?ESO stands for Engineering Services Outsourcing.
Engineering Services Outsourcing (ESO) includes product design, research and development and other technical services across sectors like automotive, aerospace, hi-tech/telecom, utilities and construction/industrial machinery.
Spending on engineering services was $750 billion in 2004 and is projected to grow to $1.1 trillion globally by 2020, according to a recent Nasscom and Booz Allen Hamilton study - Globalisation Of Engineering Services - the next frontier for India.
ESO also stands for Educational Services Outsourcing. Education is a growing sector and the demand for Indian educators is on the rise. ESO market is estimated to be USD eight billion dollars and Indian teachers are currently offering services to countries like US, UK , Canada , and the Middle East. Though the main demand is from USA, newer markets of Netherlands and Europe too are fast opening up for Indian teachers.
What is defect density?
It is defined as the number of errors per 1000 lines of code. Accroding to Meta Group it has grown from 0.53 (2002) to 0.6 (2003) and is expected to further rise to 0.87 (2005).
What are the 4Es?
Engagement, education, enactment and enforcement framework is expected to ease the concerns of security and data privacy issue.
What is Procurement BPO?
Procurement BPO is transfer of management and execution of one of more procurement activities, transfer of the entire procurement sub-segments or transfer of the entire procurement business functions to an external provider. It offers increased productivity, cost reduction and business transformation to the client. It has a market potential of $10 billion by 2006.
http://www.bpoindia.org/faq/KPOKnowledge Process Outsourcing in IndiaThe KPO industry in India is fast maturing, with the right blend of domain expertise and intellectual capital.www.outsource2india.com/why_india/articles/KPO.asp
Now, Knowledge Process OutsourcingFor the moment it’s being called Knowledge Process Outsourcing, or KPO, as opposed to BPO. And it is exciting enough to have prompted some Indian venture ...fecolumnists.expressindia.com/full_column.php?content_id=47935
KPO - Knowledge Process Outsourcing companyKPOasia.com is an emerging KPO (Knowledge Process Outsourcing) company in India. It is specialized in high knowledge based intensive business processes to ...www.kpoasia.com/
The Hindu : Business : From BPO to KPONow, there is a nascent move towards knowledge process outsourcing (KPO). ... Companies in the KPO space thus need to make the transition from offering ...www.hindu.com/biz/2004/10/25/stories/2004102500541600.htm - 21k -
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To address risk management, security concerns
High SecurityAt present, very few IT and BPO firms in India are ISO-27001 compliant. Companies are increasingly going in for ISO-27001 certification to retain their customer confidence.ISO-27001 is awarded for effective e-security and physical security measures.
Bangalore, Aug. 16
http://www.thehindubusinessline.com/2006/08/17/stories/2006081704000400.htmQuality assurance is key to successful BPOhttp://www.expresscomputeronline.com/20020701/opinion1.shtmlThe Hindu Business Line : Buzzing labs in a back-office landAfter BPO (business process outsourcing) and KPO (where K is for knowledge), ... The ISO (International Standards Organisation) has developed ISO/IEC 17025, ...www.thehindubusinessline.com/2005/11/26/stories/2005112600010800.htm - 28k -
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Similar pagesKnowledge Process outsourcing Knowledge Processing Outsourcing is popularly known as a KPO is the new wave business that has taken the business enterprises by storm.
KPO refers to knowledge-intensive work that involves specialized domain expertise. High value processes that fall into this realm: valuation; research; investment researches; patent filing; and legal and insurance claim analysis. That would certainly include customer analytics and related processes.
One recent report from a group called Global Sourcing Now contends the KPO business will grow to $17 billion by 2010. The report suggests 70 per cent of the total -- or $12 billion -- will be outsourced to India. The number of Indian jobs in the sector is expected to grow from 25,000 at present to 300,000
What is KPO ? Today’s economy is Knowledge economy and Knowledge processing is a continuous process of creation and dissemination of information by bringing together the information industry leaders to create knowledge and see meaning in information and its context. This Information driven Knowledge outsourcing in known as Knowledge Processing Outsourcing or KPO.
Who can get Benefits of KPOEmerging KPO opportunities in following sectors:e-Marketing
Retail Industry
Research & Development
Business and Technical Analysis
Learning Solutions
Animation & Design
Business & Market Research
Pharmaceuticals and Biotechnology
Medical Services
Writing & Content Development
Legal Services
Intellectual Property (IP) Research
Data Analytics
Network Management
Training & Consultancy
moretqmcintl Industry:
Consulting Location:
Mumbai :
Maharashtra :
India ISO 9001 QMS ISO 13485 ENGINEERING NEWS UP-DATE ISO 22000 Explosion protected not Flame proof WTO CRO ISO TQM Information Security Management and ISO 27001 Software QA ISO 17025 CE Marking ISO 14000 GMP requirements SA 8000 ISO 20000 COBIT COPC STANDARD Lean Six Siqma ISO 17021 5 S Energy Manager boiler and pressure vessels eSCM useful Reference tables ERP Management Consultant hotels and restaurants Fami QS Food borne diseases and infections storing food grains Halal and Kosher wet tissues ready made garmets marking Inspection, measuring and testing equipmentposted by tqmcintl at
9:33 PM